its my hair colour, b!tch!

I was blonde for years...I went to my hairsalon one day for roots and I spontaneously said I want to have my hair red.Then my stylist and I chosen a shade that would look best on me and Voila! That week a woman from my shuttle asked what is the shade of my colour and that weekend she had her hair dyed almost my haircolour!That week also the customer that frequents the place I work changed her haircolour to almost mine!The woman at my office changed her hair colour to mine and I had to work with same hair colour in the same place(I was trying to be unique but many women came up copying me baby!) and last week a customer asked what my haircolor shade is called and she told me she loved it.Today at gym a woman came up to me and said:"Your haircolour is beautiful!"..Ok I love my haircolour but I dont like copykats.I am the trendsetter right?Please stop copying ladies!LOL

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Tiffany said…
hahaha ooh I know how you feel =P I hate being copied too!!
I was way pissed off lol but people should be more individual more theirselves.I dont want look like twins with copiers ugh! lol :)